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  October 7, 2001 Significance

 Why we incorporate October 7th into Stride & Ride Relay?

The meaning behind October 7th, 2001?


After 9/11 many of our military men and women responded to ground zero helping in the relief efforts but what some people may not know is that following in the in the wake of the September 11th attacks on  this day in 2001, a U.S.-led coalition begins attacks on Taliban-controlled Afghanistan with an intense bombing campaign by American and British forces. Logistical support was provided by other nations including France, Germany, Australia and Canada and, later, troops were provided by the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance rebels. The invasion of Afghanistan was the opening salvo in the United States “war on terrorism” and a response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, this was the start of the initial combat operation.  

But the fight is not over....... 

This annual relay event serves as a poignant and meaningful tribute to the profound sacrifices that have been made in defense of our nation. At its core, this relay honors the memory of those whose lives were tragically lost on September 11th, 2001 - a date that will forever be seared into the collective consciousness of our country. But the scope of this commemoration extends far beyond that fateful day, also recognizing the immense bravery and selflessness of the military service members who answered the call to duty in the wake of those attacks, deploying to far-flung theaters of war beginning on October 7th, 2001. Sadly, many of those brave souls made the ultimate sacrifice, never returning home to their loved ones. This relay also pays solemn tribute to all those who have perished in the line of duty throughout the ongoing conflicts that have raged for over two decades. Beyond honoring the fallen, this event also shines a light on the invisible wounds of war - the mental health challenges, the trauma, the grief that so many of our veterans and first responders continue to grapple with long after their service has ended. this event ensures that the sacrifices of these heroes are never forgotten, and that they and their loved ones receive the care and assistance they deserve. In this way, this relay stands as a potent symbol of a grateful nation's promise to always remember and honor those who have defended our freedom with their very lives.            


 Click to Learn more about October 7, 2001 and the U.S - led attacks of Afghanistan. 


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