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The meaning behind the GIVE2THOSE Logo

How the Designed Came To Be: 

As the President of Give2Those, Inc. sat at her desk late one night, she was determined to create a logo that would perfectly capture the essence and purpose of Give2Those. Give2Those was born from the Annual Stride and Ride Relay. The President knew the logo had to embody the values and mission that drove this impactful initiative. With a heart full of passion, she turned to God, praying for divine guidance to help her translate the spirit of Give2Those into a visual representation. Little by little, the concept began to take shape, as if guided by an unseen hand. Each carefully considered detail was imbued with intentional meaning, forming a logo that would eloquently communicate the very heart of Give2Those and the Stride & Ride Relay - a beacon calling all members of the community to come together, lend a helping hand, and make a truly meaningful difference in the lives of those who protect and serve. This logo would stand as a visual embodiment of the organization's noble purpose, inspiring all who see it to get involved, give back, and honor the selfless individuals who dedicate their lives to the greater good.


Understanding the Meaning of the Logo, Each part explained Below: 


The Hands:  

The Hands are a profound symbol, representing the very essence of human connection, service, and sacrifice. For the brave men and women of the US Armed Forces and First Responders, their hands are a testament to their unwavering commitment to their nation and fellow citizens. These hands, calloused from years of training and hard work, embody the virtues of amity, authority, and divine grace. They are the instruments through which these selfless individuals pledge their allegiance, taking solemn oaths to protect and defend. With their hands, they perform acts of construction and labor, building the infrastructure and systems that keep our communities strong and secure. Yet, these same hands also offer benediction, a gentle, reassuring touch that provides comfort in times of crisis. They are a physical manifestation of the divine presence that guides and strengthens those who serve, imbued with the faith and force necessary to confront any challenge. When we look upon the hands of our Armed Forces and First Responders, we see the embodiment of honor, mastery, and usefulness - a steadfast promise to wield their strength and vigor in service of the greater good. As a nation, we must hold these hands close, recognizing the immense sacrifices they have made, leaving the comfort of their homes to save, protect, and defend. In doing so, we affirm our unwavering gratitude and commitment to those who so willingly give of themselves, day in and day out, to ensure the safety and well-being of all American


The Firefighter Badge: 

The Firefighter Badge holds immense significance, serving as a powerful symbol of the heroism and sacrifice that define the brave men and women who don the uniform. At the heart of this badge lies the poignant number 343, a solemn reminder of the unimaginable tragedy of September 11th, 2001, when 343 courageous firefighters gave their lives in a selfless effort to save others. This staggering loss underscores the true essence of the firefighter's calling – to willingly place oneself in harm's way, to confront the most daunting of perils, all in the name of protecting their community. The badge itself, adorned with the Maltese Cross, an eight-pointed symbol, speaks to the firefighter's unwavering commitment to this noble purpose. Each point represents a virtue – courage, loyalty, dexterity, observation, tact, sympathy, explicitness, and the sixth sense – qualities that firefighters embody as they navigate the chaos and uncertainty of emergency situations. The Scramble at the center of the cross further signifies the firefighter's readiness, the cohesion of their brotherhood, and the unwavering preparedness that defines their profession. As a nation, we hold this badge in the highest regard, a tangible representation of the selfless service and immeasurable sacrifices made by firefighters every single day as they walk the Thin Red Line, protecting us from the most unimaginable dangers. The Firefighter Badge is not merely an insignia, but a testament to the indomitable spirit and unyielding dedication of those who wear it, a constant reminder of the true meaning of heroism.


The EMS Badge: 

The EMS badge stands as a solemn symbol of remembrance and reverence for the courageous emergency medical service members who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001. This hallowed emblem represents the unwavering commitment and selfless service of these brave individuals who rushed headlong into the chaos and destruction, putting their own lives at grave risk in order to save others. When we gaze upon this badge, we are reminded of the sacred oath that EMTs and paramedics take - to honor the physical and judicial laws of both God and man as they dutifully serve their communities. These men and women answer the call to action during our most vulnerable and perilous moments, rushing into the breach without hesitation to provide urgent, lifesaving care. As a nation, we hold this badge close to our hearts, for it symbolizes the thin white line that separates order from chaos, life from death. We will never forget the service and sacrifices made by our EMS heroes, who courageously walk that line each and every day, putting themselves in harm's way to protect and care for their fellow citizens. The EMS badge is a solemn testament to their valor, an enduring reminder that we owe a profound debt of gratitude to these guardians who willingly lay down their lives so that others may live.


The Police Badge:

The police badge is a powerful symbol that carries immense significance, particularly in the context of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The number 72 etched into the badge represents the solemn sacrifice of the brave police officers and emergency medical personnel who lost their lives that fateful day, bravely rushing into the chaos to save others. The number 93 is a poignant tribute to the passengers, crew members, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Officer who perished on Flight 93 in Stoystown, Pennsylvania, their heroic actions thwarting the terrorists' plans and preventing even greater devastation. The inclusion of the numbers 9-11-2001 is a somber reminder of that dark day, but also a symbol of the unwavering unity and resilience that emerged as Americans and people around the world stood together in the face of unimaginable tragedy. The police badge itself holds deep, symbolic meaning. Worn over the heart, it signifies the officers' pledge to protect and serve, their dominant hand left free to wield the tools necessary to maintain order and safeguard their communities. The badge's origins can be traced back to the shields carried by medieval knights, their left arm shielding their vital organs while their right hand gripped their weapon, ready to defend against any threat. In much the same way, the modern police officer wears the badge as a visible display of their allegiance to the people they have sworn to protect, a constant reminder of the sacrifices they are willing to make to uphold the peace. As a nation, we hold this badge in our hearts, forever grateful for the selfless service and unwavering courage of the men and women who don it, honoring their memory and their legacy with each passing day.


The Dog Tags: 

Dog tags worn by members of the United States Armed Forces serve as a powerful symbol of the immense sacrifices made by those who have sworn an oath to defend our nation. These small, metal tags, etched with the personal details of each service member, are a tangible reminder that behind every military operation, every battle, and every victory, there are human beings putting their lives on the line. When we hold these tags in our hands, we are physically connecting with the legacies of the millions of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who have served since the very founding of our country during the American Revolutionary War. Their names, their serial numbers, their blood types - these intimate particulars speak to the humanity of those who have donned the uniform, knowing full well the risks and hardships that come with that commitment. The dog tag is a sacred object, a token that represents the immense gratitude we owe to the men and women who protect our security, our freedom, and our way of life, often at the ultimate cost. Each Military branch tag within our logo is a testament to the valor, the courage, and the selflessness that have defined the American military throughout our nation's history, a hallowed memento that ensures we will never forget the profound debt we owe to our fellow citizens who have answered the call to serve.


The POW-MIA Dog Tag: 

The POW-MIA dog tag is a solemn symbol that holds immense weight and meaning within the hearts of many Americans. This serves as a constant, tangible reminder of the plight faced by those brave service members who were captured or went missing in action while defending their country. As the fingers tightly grasp the  tag, the weight of its significance bears down, evoking a profound sense of reverence and sorrow for the unknown fates of these unreturned veterans. The tag's very existence as a part of the logo is a testament to the sacrifice and uncertainty experienced by prisoners of war and those missing in action, their identities and stories forever etched into the durable metal - a poignant representation of the unyielding commitment to never forget their service and to continue the search for answers. In the quiet moments its importance transcends the physical, becoming a conduit for honoring the valor, resilience, and ultimate sacrifice of those still unaccounted for, a steadfast promise that their legacies will never be extinguished. Through this simple, powerful symbol, the plight of America's missing veterans is memorialized, a constant reminder of the cost of freedom and the unwavering dedication to bring them home.


The 22 A Day Memorial Bracelet: 

The 22 A Day Memorial Bracelet serves as a powerful symbol and solemn reminder of the immense toll that the invisible wounds of war continue to take on our nation's bravest. This simple yet poignant accessory bears the stark statistic that haunts the veteran community - the tragic reality that 22 former service members tragically take their own lives each and every day, succumbing to the debilitating effects of post-traumatic stress, depression, and other mental health challenges that often go unnoticed and untreated. The 22 A Day bracelet on this logo is a visual representation of our solemn promise to never forget the invisible wounds that have claimed far too many lives, and to redouble our efforts to stem this tide of preventable tragedies through greater mental health resources, stigma reduction, and community-based solutions. In a small but profound way, this bracelet binds us together in a shared mission to protect and uplift those who have so selflessly protected our nation.


The Towers:

The Towers is our logo stands as a solemn tribute in New York City serve as a poignant reminder of the unimaginable tragedy that unfolded on September 11, 2001. These twin towers, rising majestically into the sky, are a physical embodiment of the lives lost on that fateful day - the innocent victims who perished in the North and South Towers, as well as those aboard the ill-fated flights originating from Boston Logan Airport. It also stands as a somber reminder of the immense human toll in the years that followed, as countless more lives were claimed by 9/11-related illnesses that ravaged the first responders and others in the vicinity. The Towers in our logo serve as a poignant beacon - a visual representation of the resilience, strength and determination of a nation that emerged from unfathomable darkness and ensures that the legacies of those lost will never be forgotten, and that their stories will continue to inspire generations to come.​


Why the Twin Towers are Blue: 

The striking blue hue that dominates the design represents the profound valley of tears that our nation has collectively wept. This deep, endless expanse of sorrow is the shared experience of grief, anguish, and mourning that has united us in our darkest moments. The flowing lines of brilliant azure evoke the steady stream of tears that have cascaded down the faces of countless individuals, each droplet a testament to the immense pain we have endured. Yet, this torrent of emotion does not flow aimlessly, but rather is channeled in a singular direction - towards the left side, just above the poignant "22 A Day" bracelet. Here, the tear drop takes on an even more profound significance, no longer a fleeting expression of anguish, but a permanent fixture that refuses to fall. This solitary, suspended tear drop represents the grief that will forever linger within our hearts, the sorrow that can never truly be expunged. It is a symbol of the empathy, compassion, and enduring love we hold for those we have lost, their memory etched into the very fabric of our being. Though the pain may be immense, this tear that refuses to fall serves as a reminder that the bonds we share as a nation can never be truly broken, for we carry the weight of our collective grief with unwavering resilience and solidarity.


The Yellow and Black Ribbon:

The yellow ribbon is a powerful symbol of unwavering support and solidarity for those who selflessly serve their communities, often putting their own lives on the line. The vivid hue represents the steadfast courage and determination that burns within the hearts of these brave individuals, whether they be members of the military, law enforcement, or the fire department. The somber black color in the ribbon is a poignant reminder of the solemnity and reverence we must hold for those who are no longer with us, a tangible representation of the weight of remembrance we carry.


Yet, the true significance of this ribbon lies in the interplay between the yellow and black at the top of the logo, which together form the shape of a halo – a divine symbol that pays tribute to the 343 firefighters who rushed headlong into the chaos of that fateful day, their bunker gear akin to the armor of guardian angels as they embarked on a desperate mission to save and evacuate trapped lives.

This halo serves as a haunting yet hallowed acknowledgment that these brave souls ascended to the heavens, becoming true angels to those they sought to protect. It is a sober recognition that this was the single largest loss of life for any emergency response agency in history, a profound tragedy that has left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of a grateful nation


The Pentagon: 

The iconic image of the Twin Towers with the Pentagon symbol standing strong behind them serves as a powerful memorial to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. At the center of this poignant design is the Pentagon, a symbol that represents the 184 innocent lives lost. The Pentagon's presence in the logo serves as a somber reminder of the resilience of the American spirit in the face of unspeakable tragedy, a testament to the indomitable strength that emerged from the ashes of that fateful day. This simple yet poignant icon ensures that the lives lost will never be forgotten, their legacies living on through the hallowed halls of the Pentagon that stand as a silent witness to the events that changed the course of history. 


As a nation, we may not know them all by name, but we do what we can to honor and support those who selflessly serve, protect, and have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We are forever indebted to the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to upholding the values and freedoms that are the foundation of our great nation. From the soldiers on the frontlines defending our borders, to the police officers and firefighters who put their lives on the line each day to keep our communities safe, we owe an immense debt of gratitude to these everyday heroes. Their courage, commitment, and unwavering sense of duty are truly humbling, and serve as an inspiration to us all. Though we may not be able to personally know each and every one, we come together as a united people to express our deepest appreciation through acts of service, charitable donations, and heartfelt remembrance. Whether it's providing support to the families of fallen heroes, or simply taking a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made, we honor the legacy of those who have built this country and continue to protect it, for their selfless service will never be forgotten.


The logo was designed and created by the President and Founder of Give2Those, Inc -Stride & Ride Relay.  Drawing inspiration from the mission and values of the non-profit, reflecting their steadfast commitment to supporting military members, first responders, and their families.  With each glimpse of this logo, participants and supporters are reminded of the profound importance of their involvement in this meaningful endeavor. Overall, the logo is a striking and thoughtful design that encapsulates the organization's dedication to uplifting and supporting the heroic men and women who protect and serve our communities, both in and out of uniform.


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 Give2Those is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code-EIN 82-2776703. All purchases made at are considered donations to the Give2Those Inc. Give2Those is organized as a Not-for-Profit Corporation under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) as a tax-exempt organization pursuant to 501 (c)(3) All donations are fully deductible to the extent allowed by applicable law. Please consult your tax advisor for additional information and the deductibility of your donation. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.

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