To help insure your safety please review the safety rules
Safety is our number one priority. There are many potential hazards in an open road race of this type including, but not limited to: automobile traffic, creatures in the road and/or on pathways, walkways etc, road and trail conditions, and weather. We ask that all participants please take appropriate precautions to ensure a safe event. Please help us keep the relay safe by focusing on being safe runners, ruckers, walkers, cyclists and motorcyclists and help us keep the relay as safe as possible.
There is a video below which help explain the type of pop-up tents we use during the relay at rest stops. This video shows how to open the tent as well as close the tent.
We recommend that if possible runners, ruckers, walkers go against traffic. By going against traffic it ensures better visibility for automobiles. We ask that traffic laws are obeyed and that you do not disobey them just to keep the relay going; extra time has already been taken into consideration when calculating your finish time so DON'T RUSH!! Enjoy the Journey
Listening to music with headphones while running can be dangerous. Runners, Walkers, Ruckers and Cyclists need to be alert and aware of their surroundings at all times. We encourage runners, ruckers, walkers and cyclists who like to listen to music to listen without any headphones or just use one earpiece.
It’s also a good idea to carry a cell phone while out on the road, we also ask that you carry your ID while running, rucking, walking, cycling and of course riding .This helps authorities respond quickly if there is an accident.

There will be a safety briefing at the start of the relay at Boston Logan Airpot. We will also have a safety briefing brief at stages with new participants. If we need to touch base with team members about areas or locations that may need extra pre-caution we will do so at that stage.

Stride & Ride Relay will have a designated safety navigator at all times. The safety navigator helps make sure the driver is refreshed, alert, and awake. When the driver becomes tired or seemed to be so to the safety navigator, the safety navigator will then look to appoint a new driver. If the safety navigator starts to get tired they are to find another person to appoint in their position. Safety Navigator also helps to make sure team members keep safety on their minds, stay hydrated, eat and get rest.

Relax, Rest, Sleep
Team members are to rest when they are not relaying and/or at designated rest stops. Rest is critical one for awareness and alertness and two so that you can greet people along the way and other participants with a smile. Nobody wants to see a GRUMPY CARE BEAR!

Relaying in hot, humid, and sunny conditions can take a toll on the body. Whether your a runners, ruckers, walkers, cyclists or riding a motorcycle please take precautionary measures.
Pre-hydrate before you start, hydrate during your stage, and re-hydrate once you reach your ending point.Electrolyte replacement is just as important as hydration. Gatorade, Power Aid drinks can help with that. Keeping your core body temperature as low as possible is also a vital component when being active in the heat. If you are feeling over heated or are getting hot you can pour cold water on your head and neck and to slow your pace are two great ways to help keep your body’s temperature under control.
Heat Exhaustion:
Is usually accompanied by a fever no higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, excessive thirst, nausea, fainting, cool and clammy skin, weakness, muscle aches, heavy sweating, slow heartbeat and dizziness. Anyone who suspects that they have heat exhaustion should immediately rest and rehydrate. If symptoms do not improve, seek medical attention to prevent heatstroke.
Heatstroke also called Sunstroke:
Is the most serious heat-related illness. This may develop following heat exhaustion if the condition of heat exhaustion is not treated. Heatstroke occurs when the body’s temperature rises to 104ºF or higher and the cooling system stops working. This potentially life-threatening condition is characterized by nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, fatigue, rapid heart rate, hot and dry skin, shortness of breath and decreased urination. When heat exhaustion is not addressed, heatstroke can follow.
Heatstroke is the most severe heat-related illness and, without emergency treatment, it can lead to death. If you show signs of either of these conditions, immediately seek medical attention.

Course is not free of traffic so it will be important for all participants to use good judgment when getting to and from a relay exchange location.
Be Alert on Blind Curves.
Run against traffic if running on the road.
Don’t forget to enjoy your run though! Stop at the monuments along the way, reflect, and take time greeting the next stage captain and taking pictures of new and old friendships.
Running stages are set on a pace of 12 minute miles. If your squad is able to, feel free to go a bit faster.
Stop at stop signs, traffic lights and ensure oncoming traffic yields to you before proceeding across a road.
Don't assume cars will stop and that they are aware of their surroundings, this includes when you are entering a cross walk.

Course is not free of traffic so it will be important for all participants to use good judgment when getting to and from a relay exchange location.
Motorcycles must follow designated speed limits.
Motorcyclists Must wear a helmet at all times while riding.
Passengers on a Motorcycle must be registered due to safety and accountability

Course is not free of traffic so it will be important for all participants to use good judgment when getting to and from a relay exchange location.
Cyclists must obey the rules of the road at all times.
Cyclists Must wear a helmet at all times during cycling.
Cycling stages should be done at approximately 15 mph.
Cyclists must come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs.
Cyclists are required by law to exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians, motor vehicles or other cyclists.
Ride on the Street, not the sidewalk. Ride with traffic, not against it-Obey all traffic signals,signs and pavement markings.

Course is not free of traffic so it will be important for all participants to use good judgment when getting to and from a relay exchange location.
DO NOT RUN With Weight!!!
Ruck and Walk on the opposite side of the road
Ruckers and Walkers stages are set on a pace of 19 per minute miles pace.
When going uphill, do not go straight up; zig-zag to avoid tiring the leg muscles.
Walk straight, with the weight of the body kept directly over the feet, walking flat-footed.
You can walk at a fast pace but running will damage the lower extremities (shins, knees, lower back).
When walking, stride with short, fast steps and straighten the knee each step to relax the leg muscles briefly.
If you Blister or get Hot Spots easy consider buying Band-Aid Brand Hydro Seal All Purpose Adhesive

Respect private property along the route. Don't relieve yourself in the neighbors bushes. Respect the outdoors and Do Not Litter leave places cleaner than they were when you got there.
How to fold up Pop-Up Tent
During the relay when we have rest stops, we have pop-up tents that can be set up. Below is a video as to how to unfold and fold the pop-up tents.