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 June 25 2024 veterans, first responders, and civilians will come together to honor and remember 1LT Scott Milley. A day filled with fun, golfing, and memories with Scott’s family, friends and supporters. Scott grew up in Sudbury, Massachusetts, he is remembered as being larger than life and a person of highest distinction who loved God and Country, unfortunately Scott’s life was cut short while conducting combat operations in the Barak Barak district of Afghanistan on November 30, 2010, at age 23.


About First Lieutenant Scott Francis Milley:

First Lieutenant Scott Francis Milley was born in Boston, MA on March 26,1987. Scott was the younger brother of Steven Jr. and Ashley. He lived in Cambridge, MA and later Sudbury, MA. Scott earned his high school diploma from Lincoln-Sudbury [LS] Regional High School in 2005 where he excelled academically and athletically, and achieved community applause from the LS community as a star player on the high school hockey team.

Following high school, Scott headed off to college at the University of New Hampshire [UNH] where his psychology professor remembers Scott as ever polite and always a gentleman. While attending UNH, Scott brought his sportsmanship zeal to the game of rugby. If you’re visiting UNH, seek out the remembrance bench for Scott near the rugby field on campus. Scott’s love of country and career interests took root as a participant in the Army ROTC program. There, Scott was recognized by the Department of the Army as a superior cadet. During that period Scott attended the airborne course at Fort Benning, GA, where he received his basic parachutist badge.

In 2009 Scott F. Milley graduated from UNH with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, earning honors status with a 3.3 grade point average amidst his active sports schedule and military training. Following UNH, Scott entered active duty in the infantry branch and completed ranger school. He was commissioned to the 2nd Battalion 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, where he served as a platoon leader. Scott was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, and was deployed to Afghanistan as part of operation Enduring Freedom. Under Taliban fire, while conducting combat operations in the Baraki Barak district of Afghanistan, 1LT Scott Francis Milley was shot and killed leading his soldiers when insurgents attacked his unit. He died on November 30, 2010, at age 23, giving his life to our country’s mission less than one month after his arrival in Afghanistan. 1LT Scott Francis Milley was a recipient of the Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the Purple Heart.

Remembered as being larger than life and a person of highest distinction who loved God and Country in equal measure, Scott left an an immeasurable void in countless lives, but none larger than the cavernous loss felt every day by his loving parents Steven and Janice Milley, and his devoted siblings Ashley and Steven Jr.

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